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Marco Traverso receives the Monaco Welcome Certified label!

What is the “Monaco Welcome Certified” label?
Le label « Monaco Welcome Certified » vise à faire partager des standards d’accueil dans les secteurs privé et public afin de créer un accueil « made in Monaco ».
The implementation of and compliance with these criteria will enable those involved in hospitality (hotel and restaurant professionals, shopkeepers, cultural or tourist sites, transport, etc.) to obtain the “Monaco Welcome Certified” label.
The aim of this label is both to highlight the efforts of the Principality’s economic players who are committed to providing an excellent welcome and also to offer customers reliable, consistent and objective information on the quality of the welcome in Monaco.
In order to assess the quality of reception in your establishment, quality standards have been identified:
- Accessibility and quality of the exterior
- On-site reception
- Physical reception
- Telephone reception
- Measures to improve the quality of reception